Insurance Companies For Auto

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There are over 30 insurance companies in the Spanish market and each has its own target customer profile. Based on more than 15 factors such as age and driving experience of the driver, the vehicle's power or the number of registered claims, insurers determine how interesting they find each client and therefore what is the best price we are willing to offer. Each case is different and so the only way to find the best price for your car insurance is to compare as many insurers as possible. That is why we have created a comparator insurance companies with which in just three minutes you will know your personal price in more than 30 insurers.

The purpose of this guide is to know quickly and easily what types of insurance exist so that you can tell when you make your comparative personalized insurance and find it easier to understand the differences when deciding on the option that interests you most.

First, there are the traditional insurance companies such as Axa Seguros MAPFRE or that base their strategy on offering a personal service through its extensive network of agents and insurance brokers as has been lifelong. Its main advantages are the extensive experience they have in the management of claims and the possibility of resorting to physical offices to the public where you can talk to a person face to face.

Here are mutual among which Mutua MadrileƱa for being the biggest and most famous of the country. The main difference of mutual respect traditional insurers is that they are not entities for profit but its aim is to reverse the benefits in lower prices and improve services for their mutual benefit.

The next group would direct selling insurance as Direct Line, the industry pioneer, or Direct Insurance, No. entity2 known for its blue arrow. The main differentiating factor of these insurance companies is that they establish a direct contact with the customer over the phone, so regardless of the high costs involved representative offices and intermediaries. This greater efficiency means that in many cases are able to offer cheaper car insurance than a traditional insurance agency, why especially in times of crisis are increasing their market share at top speed.

Finally it should be noted the recent birth of a new type of insurance company, specialized insurers market their online car insurance as Balumba or Verti. Following a purely strategy "low-cost", they are characterized by their effort to reduce costs further to try to channel all contacts with the customer over the Internet and dispense as far as possible the telephone contact.

Once you respasados ​​types of insurance that exist, our recommendation is to try our comparator and find out which one offers the best ratio between price and level of coverage for your needs. Luck!

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