NJ Auto Insurance

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All vehicles registered in the State of New Jersey must meet three requirements compulsory insurance:

Liability insurance: Pays for damage they cause others if responsible for an accident. It does not cover medical expenses.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) pays your medical expenses and other persons if they are injured in a car accident. Often called No Fault coverage pays your medical expenses whether or not guilty.
Uninsured motorist coverage: It protects you if you had an accident with someone who does not have adequate insurance coverage.
Contact your insurance company to different insurance coverage options or check the Department of Banking and Insurance. Remember that insurance requirements are essential.

documentation required

Your insurance company should give you an insurance identification card for each vehicle. Always keep the card in the vehicle and present:

Before an inspection.
When it involved in an accident.
If you are arrested for a violation of traffic rules.
When he is stopped by a police officer.
Failure to comply with insurance requirements when operating a vehicle (without insurance) can be punished by a fine, community service, license suspension and insurance surcharges.