Auto Quotes Insurance

06:04:00 Unknown 0 Comments

It is important to have the proper insurance company cars that you really provide protection, support and seriousness that you, your family and your heritage need.

Although they are today the last generation cars equipped with new security systems such as alarms, satellite tracking, auto off, airbags, disc brakes, etc., do not ensure that you're protected from any claim, or that recover the investment you made.

So it is not more than consider having insurance that not only protects you from any accident, but also give you different options for your peace of mind.

According to statistics, you know ... 84% of vehicles in Mexico do not have auto insurance, the probability that an accident will happen or steal your vehicle is 4.5% per year.

Given these numbers it is important to have the proper insurance company car that you really provide protection, support and seriousness that you, your family and your heritage need.

There are 3 types of agents that are associated with insurance companies:
Insurance Company: The company that assumes the risk coverage previously authorized to operate as such, such as GNP Seguros.